There is an on-going, widely distributed attack on WordPress installations hosted with almost every web hosting company.  This attack is very widespread, with over 90,000 IP addresses involved.

If you are using WordPress, We highly recommend you make sure your password is secure, and not easy to guess - upper and lowercase letters, at least eight characters long, and including “special” characters (^%$#&@*).  Be sure your software is up to date (including plugins).  When you log into your admin, if any updates are available, you will see a little number on the left menu.

The main force of this attack began last week and has picked back up again yesterday morning.  No one knows when it will end.  The symptoms of this attack are a very slow backend on your WordPress site, or an inability to log in.  In some instances your site could even intermittently go down for short periods.

We have taken steps to mitigate this attack, but there is only so much that can actually be done. We hope this attack ends soon, but it serves as a reminder that everyone needs to take account security seriously.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

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